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Friday, November 11, 2011


hos·tage (noun)\ˈhäs-tij\ - one that is involuntarily controlled by an outside influence

Cages. Chains. Handcuffs. Straight jackets. Blindfolds.

We've all got them. But they may be called different names.

Like bitterness. Or lies. Or worry. Or addictions. Or anger.

These are the things that keep us from growing deeper in our relationship with Christ.
These are the things that bind us to the world, and not our Eternal King.
These are the things that rob us from the true joy and peace and satisfaction that God is yearning to pour over us.
These are the things that hold us hostage.

We are about to start a new series at Switch MSM called Hostage.

What is your captor? We're all held hostage by something. Maybe it's fear, pride, lust, jealousy, or any number of other things that divert your attention from the goal Christ has set before you.

But here's the good news: Our ransom has been paid in full. The son of the Lord of the universe came to the world to take on the wrath of the Father in innocent blood just to release our chains and bust open our prison cell doors. Jesus came to free us from what holds us captive. Are you ready to accept this freedom and allow Christ to lead you to a place far better than anything you could have imagined for yourself?

Come join us this Sunday and discover how to truly break free, once and for all, from the ties that bind. See you there!

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