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Monday, February 14, 2011

Control Freak

Who's God in your life? You or Jesus??? This can be a hard and tough question to answer. Not necessarily hard and tough because we don't know the answer, but because the answer stings a bit. All to often the God of our lives is ourself.

This is evident by our decisions and the sacrifices we make. Think about it. We say we want a relationship with Christ but what are we willing to do to have that relationship. Are you taking time to read His Word, talk with Him in prayer, obey what He says to do??? or do other things you want consume your life.

Think about it this way. Many of us play sports and want to be good at sports. Or we want to be good at school. Or there are numerous other things we want to succeed at. What do you do to attain those things. You go to camps, you go to long practices, you do it in your free time. You make sacrifices to become the best. You do just about anything to get what you want.

Now here's the thing to have a relationship with Christ and to truly live out the life He has called you to, you are going to have to make sacrifices. He has to become a priority. You are going to have to sacrifice some of your time on facebook, texting, watching TV, hanging out with friends, playing video games in order to truly have a relationship with God. Because you are going to need some of that time to read, to talk to Him, to let Him change you from the inside out.

The purpose of our lives is to Glorify God. To tell the world about Christ through our words and our actions. We need to come to the point in out life that we are so in love with God we are willing to sacrifice anything and everything for Him.

Our prayer is that you will start to daily take time with Him and follow where He leads. We love you and are here for you. If you ever have any questions please call, email, text, or facebook.

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