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Monday, August 16, 2010

Summers End


Yup that's the best word for it. Can you believe that summer is almost over. In just a little over a week everyone will be back in school. One things for sure it has been one amazing summer: the Beach, MADNESS, Bible Studies, the Bible in 90 Days and More!!! So many memories and so much FUN!

Here's a tiny recap of our last outing for the summer: BRAVES VS. THE DODGERS....

It all began bright and early at 10:30 in the student center...

Then We loaded up the bus and the vans and headed to the Varsity!!!
(mmmm mmmm grease... got to love it)

After the greasy goodness of the Varsity we headed to Turner Field.
When we first got there the black sky & high winds had us a little nervous...
But it all passed and then we headed in to WALK on the field...
Most excited of all would be none other than your Pastor Brad :)

After walking the field we headed to our seats....

It was oh so much fun and we can't wait to come back and do it all again in 365 days!!!!

Final Score: Braves - 1 Dodgers- 0
better luck next year LA ;)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Goodbye Pat "the Table Stacker". Patrick Will Miss You...

Today was our last day. It didn't start the way we planned but it all came together.

After all the "commotion" We settled down and had a group meeting. There we took turns telling each other encouraging, emotional thoughts of each other. As well as things God had taught us and things we want to change when we get back home. Just a few of the things we learned this week are: we are extremely blessed, love can go a long way, and we saw the true peace that Christ alone brings to chaos and brokeness. Our God is AMAZING and we love that He let us be His hands and feet this week in West Virginia and we know that doesn't end here.

After that we went with Pastor Norm to a nursing home and sang songs for the elderly people.

Next the kids came and we went to the pool. There we had a blast swimming, playing and eating freeze pops.

Through tears we sadly said goodbye to the kids.

I can't believe the mission trip has come to an end. Tonight we had our last laughs with the staff here fist pumping, putting Patrick to bed and more with Pat "the Table Stacker" ;) . Then cleaned up and packed and now we are all together hanging out and watching Finding Nemo :) Well I guess we will see you tomorrow! (Please pray for our travels back and that all we learned this week we take back with us and that we truly are forever changed).


Thursday, August 5, 2010

I cannot believe it is already Thursday night. That is just crazy to me. Today was yet another wonderful day. We had a chance to play games with, teach about how our view of God will direct our walk with God, and then headed to the pool with the middle schoolers from Charleston Baptist....

Brad teaching this a.m. .... The girls at the pool... everybody <3

playing shark.... just keep swimming swimming... it's a small world. Coleman & Camille ran into their next door neighbors at the pool we went to today (crazy huh)

After the pool we headed back to the church to get ready for.. yes you guessed it afterschool and backyard Bible club....

K'shaun & Marcus.... Ninja in West Virginia... Kamani & Brad....

Computer Lab (which they love)... some of the girls... Allen teaching the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit...

Arts & Crafts we made salvation bracelets.... Lazy tag they love this game.. thanks M & H..

we finally got K'shaun to play!!!!

And tonight has just been a great team time. We definitely put the dance studio to use tonight. Dance offs, laughs, and more. Please pray that we finish strong tomorrow. That all we do glorifies Him and is a reflection of Him in our every action. Pray He continues to give us His eyes and that we continue to unconditionally love these children He has given us the honor to serve.

We love you! Love BCSM

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

MASH. Man Cards, & More

Today... was a cleaning Day!!(: We were able to "rummage" through the storage of the church to help them organize and clean up for their sale on Saturday... some of us even found some hidden treasures (you just think we are in west virginia but we are actually in china ;) )...*:P

The Building. While Being Cleaned :) ... Goggles:8 ... The Manly-Men..

Girls getting it done... The Man Card Phenomenom... MASH (guess who's marrying who and how many kids their having, future homes, cars and more... it is oh so funny ;P )

Haley, Michaela, and Ansley were determined to get a Man Card. With the use of AXE and 50 cent mustaches they finally earned one ;)

After school.... helping kids with their homework before backyard Bible club......

Allen taught today on the Shield of Faith... all week long we are teaching on the Armor of God... check out the video of I Get Down-------->

Arts & Crafts.... the Gang <3>

We ended the day with a special prayer time with the church and now we are all together and watching "The Little Rascals"... It's been a gggggggggrrrreeeeatttttttt day!

Please be praying for our tomorrow as we get the chance to hang out and love on some of the middle schoolers here. Please pray we continue to grow together as a team and become one. Pray that we will let our lights shine in this community and that God continues to use as His hands and feet and that all we do glorifies Him. We love you!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Day, First Experience: Helpful & Amazing

Day two began bright and early at 7:30. Needless to say it was a wee bit challenging getting everybody out of bed but once they were up we had breakfast and devotion that challenged us to serve the team as well as the community we were going out to.

Our first stop of the day was to Cross Lanes Baptist to help with their fourth annual clothing distribution. This distribution clothes between 300 to 500 people.

the gym filled with clothes... girls organizing shoes... and the finished product.....

the boys sizing pants... michaela took on directing the troops.. the girls in some sweet coats...

and lastly the funniest moment of the morning would be Allen McNeil tried to rip off his button down gym pants he fell flat on his booty!!! (this may be you had to be there moment but it was hilarious) -----> this is a reenacted moment but the same end result.....

After clothes headed back to the church for lunch and a little bit of rest before the after school program started, which was composed of playing, snack, homework, & backyard Bible club....

The last part of our day was setting up and serving at the community's "Night Against Crime". It was such a treat to be able to share the love of Christ with this community through burgers, snow cones, cotton candy, smiles and more.

Needless to say we have had a non stop day full of wonderful things. We are now headed to bed and all are very excited for another day. As always we thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for each students heart that it will break for what breaks the heart of God and that they will continue to show compassion and love to those we are here to serve. We love you and can't wait to tell you about our Wednesday.

Love BCSM <3