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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Day, First Experience: Helpful & Amazing

Day two began bright and early at 7:30. Needless to say it was a wee bit challenging getting everybody out of bed but once they were up we had breakfast and devotion that challenged us to serve the team as well as the community we were going out to.

Our first stop of the day was to Cross Lanes Baptist to help with their fourth annual clothing distribution. This distribution clothes between 300 to 500 people.

the gym filled with clothes... girls organizing shoes... and the finished product.....

the boys sizing pants... michaela took on directing the troops.. the girls in some sweet coats...

and lastly the funniest moment of the morning would be Allen McNeil tried to rip off his button down gym pants he fell flat on his booty!!! (this may be you had to be there moment but it was hilarious) -----> this is a reenacted moment but the same end result.....

After clothes headed back to the church for lunch and a little bit of rest before the after school program started, which was composed of playing, snack, homework, & backyard Bible club....

The last part of our day was setting up and serving at the community's "Night Against Crime". It was such a treat to be able to share the love of Christ with this community through burgers, snow cones, cotton candy, smiles and more.

Needless to say we have had a non stop day full of wonderful things. We are now headed to bed and all are very excited for another day. As always we thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for each students heart that it will break for what breaks the heart of God and that they will continue to show compassion and love to those we are here to serve. We love you and can't wait to tell you about our Wednesday.

Love BCSM <3

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