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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We are so excited to be announcing this event.
We have the opportunity to take 30 Middle Schoolers to a Middle School ONLY Conference: Believe.
It takes place at the Gwinett Center in Atlanta and we will stay the night Friday at Hyatt Place.
It is April 8-9 in Atlanta and the cost is only $60!
We will need a $25 deposit by March 9th to secure your students spot.
We will be meeting at the church at 2:00pm.
This is going to be a great opportunity so please get your deposits in soon, because we anticipate spots to fill up quickly.
If you have any questions please call Brad here at the office 884-5932.

check out for more info...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Crazy Love

5-7 pm. Girls at Siobhan's. Boys at the Student Center.
going to be doing the Francis Chan "Crazy Love" study.
check it out here--->

Monday, February 14, 2011

Control Freak

Who's God in your life? You or Jesus??? This can be a hard and tough question to answer. Not necessarily hard and tough because we don't know the answer, but because the answer stings a bit. All to often the God of our lives is ourself.

This is evident by our decisions and the sacrifices we make. Think about it. We say we want a relationship with Christ but what are we willing to do to have that relationship. Are you taking time to read His Word, talk with Him in prayer, obey what He says to do??? or do other things you want consume your life.

Think about it this way. Many of us play sports and want to be good at sports. Or we want to be good at school. Or there are numerous other things we want to succeed at. What do you do to attain those things. You go to camps, you go to long practices, you do it in your free time. You make sacrifices to become the best. You do just about anything to get what you want.

Now here's the thing to have a relationship with Christ and to truly live out the life He has called you to, you are going to have to make sacrifices. He has to become a priority. You are going to have to sacrifice some of your time on facebook, texting, watching TV, hanging out with friends, playing video games in order to truly have a relationship with God. Because you are going to need some of that time to read, to talk to Him, to let Him change you from the inside out.

The purpose of our lives is to Glorify God. To tell the world about Christ through our words and our actions. We need to come to the point in out life that we are so in love with God we are willing to sacrifice anything and everything for Him.

Our prayer is that you will start to daily take time with Him and follow where He leads. We love you and are here for you. If you ever have any questions please call, email, text, or facebook.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Winter Jam or school? how about both!

Well it seems like every year we have trouble getting to winterjam.
Snow last year now school on Saturday.
We are still going to Winter jam tomorrow.
Leaving BCC @ 3:30 pm
Please bring a permission slip:
download one from under forms.

We just want parents to use their wisdom on if their kids should
be able to go because it will be a late night.
Our plan will be to try to return to BCC by 12 midnight.
If you have questions or concerns please give us a call
at the office tomorrow: 884-5932 ask for Brent or Brad

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Jump In

It's not too late to jump in and start reading the Book of Acts. The Book of Acts is the start and growth of the church. It brings our attention to the POWER of the Holy Spirit and Christ's desire for each of us to know Jesus Christ as Savior. It is an example to each of us on how to live out a Christ centered life. It is filled with miracles and amazing stories of lives changed. I hope you accept the challenge and pick up your Bible and dive into the inspiring story of the beginning of the church.

What's Fasting All About?

As a church we are currently on a journey for 40 days through the book of Acts. We are learning how the early church started and how it applies to the modern church. Our hope is that you will take time to evaluate personally where you are at in your connection to God. It is very easy for us to get consumed with “stuff”, whether it is: TV, Facebook, possessions, sweets (love the Cadbury eggs), or other cravings. It can be difficult to see how much these cravings control your actions and even attitudes.

During this journey many people in the church are “fasting” something. Fasting is not a term that you hear much about in today’s world.Fasting is basically a choice to go without something for a period of time. The purpose is to use that time that you would normally be eating, watching TV, or connecting through Facebook to spend with God.

Do you want to go deeper in your connection to God? Ask what would be something that would benefit you the most during these next thirty plus days to surrender to God? You might be surprised what the answer is?

Here some examples of things you may try:

Fasting TV for a day or a week

Fasting Facebook for a day or a week

Fasting sweets for a week

The key is to start small and do it with the heart of wanting to seek God. Before starting a food fast I would recommend talking with someone who has done it and ask your parents.