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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Radius Schedule

Radius is coming up tomorrow.

The #1 question we have received is concerning schedule.

We realize that many of you have activities or commitments during the weekend.  If you can't stay all weekend join us for the sessions.

Also we are changing the schedule due to a soccer game @ BHS Saturday Night @ 6pm.  We will go to the game and support the soccer team and then return to BCC for worship after the game.  If you pay for the Radius weekend we will cover the cost for the game.

Remember to bring some warm clothes for the game and weekend it could be cold.

Friday Night Session 7:30pm
Saturday Morning Session 10am
Saturday Night Session 9:30pm
Sunday Morning Session 11am

If you have questions about schedule give us a call tomorrow.  884-5932 or 577-9457

Friday, October 5, 2012

Save the Date: Roller Skating and Radius!

MSM is going roller skating! Join us on Saturday, October 13th as we head to Skater's Choice in Hendersonville. Cost is $6.50 to roller skate, $8 to roller blade/inline, and $5 if you bring your own skates. Meet at 6 PM at the Student Center, and we will return at 10 PM! Invite your friends! We'll see you at the rink. 

Radius is less than a month away! Radius is a weekend retreat for middle and high school students - it's a time of worship, study, and high energy fun. We will have programs, small groups, and group activities during the day, and will stay the night in family homes. and Cost is $50 per student and money is due by Sunday, October 28th. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

MSM Putt Putt Trip This Saturday!

Hey Middle schoolers! Don't forget about the Putt Putt trip this weekend! Meet at the Student Center at 6 PM to fill out a permission slip and load up the vans! We'll be back at around 10 PM! Bring $5 and extra for Krispy Kreme if you want! Invite your friends! We'll see you there! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

RADIUS Coming Soon!

Middle Schoolers! It's almost that time again! The RADIUS Fall Retreat will be here before you know it! Mark your calendars for November 2 - 4th and make plans to attend! Cost is $50 and sign ups will be starting soon! 

Thursday, August 23, 2012


We hear a lot of labels thrown around these days, right? 

Band geek. 

The list goes on and on. 

Most of the time, young people are quick to give labels. 

But here's something we can be sure of: 

You aren't who they say you are. 

You are who God says you are. 

You are one with Christ. You are spiritually alive. You are washed in His blood. You are new. 

As a Christ-follower, we have the perfect, glorious, magnificent, wonderful, loving and powerful God of the universe living inside of us. 

Even the positive labels we receive (successful, strong, clever, funny, outgoing, etc.) can not compare with being "raised up with Christ and seated with Him in the heavenly places..." (Ephesians 2:6)

There is only one label that matters - one label that truly and beautifully and perfectly defines who you are. 

You are HIS. 

Nothing else matters. 

Have a great week, MSMers! We'll see you on Sunday morning and then later on Sunday evening (5-7 PM) for Small Groups! 

Friday, May 4, 2012

TN Mission Trip Interest Meeting This Sunday!

Interested in going on the MSM Mission Trip to Tennessee? There will be an Interest Meeting this Sunday after 2nd Worship in the Student Center for parents and students. Come hear more information about the trip and how you can take part in this awesome opportunity! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


You want to know what one of my favorite things about God is?

The fact that He’s consistent. He's constant. He's steady. He’ll never change – He will always be the same.

"Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the Heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow." - James 1:17

No one else is like this.

Friends may adore you one day, but be gossiping about you the next.

Boyfriends/girlfriends may “love” you today, but will have moved on by tomorrow.

You and your siblings may be close one minute, and tearing each other’s hair out the next.

But not God.

He is always the same.

You’ll never catch Him in a bad mood. He’ll never lie to you and never go back on His promises. He’s never stressed out or exhausted.

In a world of unpredictability and drama, rest in this truth:

His strength and truth and love and mercy never change. He is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


We all know the effects of sin right?


But Jesus, in His perfection and purity, had never known these things. Because He was sinless, He never knew the aftermath of sin, that is, until He became sin for us. And when Hechose to take our punishment for sin, all the emotional turmoil of our sin came along with it. On that cross, He felt anxious, guilty, and alone. Hear the heaviness of His heart in His prayer:

"My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" - Matthew 27:46

Christ was feeling the distance from God that sin brings. But God never abandoned Jesus. He sent His precious Son to do what had to be done in order to give us life. Christ paid the price for our sin and bore the full wrath of God on the cross - the judgement due your sin and my sin - and said, "IT IS FINISHED." And 3 days later, when God raised His Son from the dead, He declared His power over death and His victory over sin.

And the beauty of it all is that He did it FOR YOU. He went through all of this for one reason: because God truly, madly, deeply loves you. Don't miss this. Don't be distracted by egg dying, chocolate bunnies, or easter baskets. Remember the hope and unconditional love this holiday represents and share that love with others!

This Sunday, we will not be having our usual Sunday morning youth services. We want you to spend this Holiday with your family at church, worshipping together and remembering the sacrifice of our loving Savior. Enjoy the day with your family, and we'll see you next week!

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Ultimate Gift Giver

I love giving gifts to the people I care about.
It's one of the ways I express love.
I love seeing the look on their faces when they unwrap an unexpected present or a desired gift.

If we give gifts to show our love, how much more or better would God give?

Think about it.

If we greedy humans love to give gifts, how much more does God, who is pure and perfect, enjoy giving gifts to us?

Jesus asked, "If you hardhearted, sinful men know ho two give good gifts to your children, won't your Father in heaven even more certainly give good gifts to those who ask for them?" - Matthew 7:11 (The Living Bible)

God's gifts reveal to us His good and generous heart.

The colors He paints for us in the sunset.
The cooling breeze blowing through the trees.
His power echoed in a thunderclap or a lightning bolt.
The warm embrace of someone we love.
A kind smile from a friend.

Every gift shines a spotlight on God's love, but no gift reveals His love more than the gift of the cross - The gift wrapped in His passion, mercy, and love.

God is so excited to shower you with gifts and sit back to watch your reaction. Look for His gifts and blessings this week, and praise our generous God!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Student Night of Worship This Sunday!

Switch students! Don't forget - this Sunday, March 25th at 6 PM, we will be joining together with the youth of Brevard Wesleyan Church for a night of worship and praise! It's going to be an awesome time to come together and worship with other students! Meet at the Wesleyan Church, located at 583 North Broad St. (directly across from Ingles in Brevard). Bring some friends! We'll see you there!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Righteousness Is...

First things first:
2 events coming up you don't want to miss!


In our “Lost in Translation” series, we started out with looking at what faith is, and this past Sunday, we investigated the meaning of “righteousness”.

What does righteousness mean to you? We all want people to do right by us and do the right thing.

Check out these passages to look at what God says about righteousness in scripture:

Proverbs 11:6, Proverbs 11:18, Proverbs 13:6, Proverbs 21:21, John 16:8, 2 Corinthians 6:14, 1 Timothy 6:11

Scripture shows us that righteousness is important to God. He wants us to do what is right and to pursue righteousness, but here is where the misinterpretation happens:

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” – Matthew 5:6

Here’s how most people interpret this verse:

“Blessed are those who do what’s right or strive to do what’s right…”

But here’s what’s wrong with that thinking. How many times a day do you mess up and sin? We make mistakes on a daily basis, right? From the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep, we mess up. But what if you’re trying really hard to be good, would that number go down? Maybe some, but not much.

See, the problem with interpreting that verse that way is that if we are only blessed based on the amount of right things we do, and the amount of wrong things we don’t do, then we would never be blessed. The point God is trying to get across to us is that YES, righteousness is extremely important when it comes to our relationship with Him, but it is not as important for me to focus on doing what is right as it is for us to focus on the One who is right!

See one of the attributes of God is righteousness – He is always right and He is the only one that is truly righteous. What this verse is really saying is blessed are those who seek and hunger for God (the only righteous one). But for so many of us our relationship with God is about what we do and about what we can bring to the table.

Be honest. When reflecting on your relationship with God, how many of you have said, “Well, I just need to…” or “I need to stop…” or “I should do….” We all convince ourselves of these things, but these statements lead us to focus on our actions and behavior. The truth is that our PURSUIT of God is the most important thing.

Have you ever really had the craving for something? This is how we are meant to feel about God. We are meant to hunger and thirst for Him – to desire Him and seek Him. To seek God, there must be an action like reading the bible and praying. We don’t do these things because we feel like we should, but rather because we really desire to know Him.

God wants your affection, not your silly obedience. If you pursue Him, everything else will fall into place.

So here’s the question: What role is righteousness playing in your life? Is it about trying to do what is right, or is it about pursuing the only One who is right, and letting your life reflect this pursuit?

Join us this week as we wrap up this series by breaking down the meaning of “Salvation.” We’ll see you there!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fun Depot Trip Coming Up!

On Friday, March 16th
MSM is going to Fun Depot!

But this time will be a little different than the last...

We'll be there from 11 - 2 a.m.

Every so often, Fun Depot hosts a night for youth groups to come at a lower cost, for a longer amount of time.

So get ready.

Laser Tag. Go Karts. Arcade Games. Bumper Cars. Rock Climbing. Mini Golf. Batting Cages. Late Night Fun.

Meet at 9 PM in the Student Center - we'll eat some pizza and head to Fun Depot.

We'll stay out late and your parents can pick you up at 3 AM the next morning!

You don't want to miss this! Invite your friends!

Friday, March 2, 2012

New Series Starting Sunday / Fun Depot Trip

First order of business:

We're about to start a Sunday series called "Lost in Translation."

We've all used words while being a little uncertain of the actual meaning. But when it comes to words like "belief", "righteousness" and "salvation," our understanding makes a huge difference in how we live our Christian faith and how we view God. So we're going to take a look at these commonly used words and figure out not only what they mean today but what they meant to the writers of the Bible thousands of years ago. And, in doing so, our aim is to let these new definitions teach us more about all God has for us and wants for us. In other words, over three weeks we are going to take what may have been lost in translation and recapture and rethink it in a way that could transform us in ways we never imagined. Here's what topics we're going to cover during the next three weeks. We're praying for God to reveal incredible things during this series. You don't want to miss it!

Week One: Refining the Relationships
Belief is a word that we use often in the Christian faith. We talk about believing in Jesus. We talk about believing in the Bible. We talk about believing in God's church. But what if we are just scratching the surface when it comes to our understanding of belief? What if instead of simply believing in Jesus, we started to believe Jesus? Believe who He says He is and believe what we read about Him in the Bible. WHat if we saw the word "belief" as having more to do with a person and less to do with a set of statements or ideas? In this session, we look at the word "belief" in light of who Jesus says He is. We turn the tables on a belief that resonates with facts and instead resonates with the person of Jesus Christ.

Week Two: What Matters Most
We all believe in righteousness. For some, righteousness is a lot like fairness. For others, it is the definition of how to live without messing up. Whatever our definition of righteousness, if we haven't made it about the state of our own hearts, we've missed it altogether. While God has provided us with His Word to help us understand how He wants us to live, His purpose isn't for us to work at being better Christians on the outside alone. He wants our lives in line with Him on the inside. When we get our hearts right with God, our actions follow and we have the power to impact the world around us. We get to be a part of God's bigger story of restoration, in our own lives and in other's. True righteousness begins when we line our hearts up with God's heart.

Week Three: Save Me
What do most of us think of when we hear the word "salvation"? Maybe for some it's heaven. For others, it may be the fear of hell. And for others it may be Jesus' face on a get-out-of-jail-free card. But what if there was more to it than just guaranteeing a future destination we don't know that much about? It could be salvation is more about healing and help, not just once our lives are over, but in the here and now. Salvation is God's plan to bring us to a place of restoration so that He can lavish His love on us as we walk through the difficulty, joy and pain of everyday life. Salvation is available to us in the middle of our parent's divorce, as we are struggling through our relationships, when our hearts are broken and even when life seems to be going great. Salvation is about letting God take us where He has planned for us to go, not just when life is over, but right now, in this very moment. Salvation isn't just about being saved for the future, but being saved for the present.

Second order of business:

On Friday, March 16th

MSM is going to Fun Depot!

But this time will be a little different than the last...

We'll be there from 11 - 2 a.m.

Every so often Fun Depot hosts a night for youth groups to come at a lower cost, for a longer amount of time.

So get ready.

Laser Tag. Go Karts. Arcade Games. Bumper Cars. Rock Climbing. Mini Golf. Batting Cages. Late Night Fun.

Meet at 9 PM at the Student Center

We'll eat some pizza and head to Fun Depot.
We'll stay out late, and your parents can pick you up at 3 AM the next morning!

Cost = $20

You don't want to miss this!

Here's a link to our permission slip form:

Invite your friends! We'll see you then!