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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Radius Schedule

Radius is coming up tomorrow.

The #1 question we have received is concerning schedule.

We realize that many of you have activities or commitments during the weekend.  If you can't stay all weekend join us for the sessions.

Also we are changing the schedule due to a soccer game @ BHS Saturday Night @ 6pm.  We will go to the game and support the soccer team and then return to BCC for worship after the game.  If you pay for the Radius weekend we will cover the cost for the game.

Remember to bring some warm clothes for the game and weekend it could be cold.

Friday Night Session 7:30pm
Saturday Morning Session 10am
Saturday Night Session 9:30pm
Sunday Morning Session 11am

If you have questions about schedule give us a call tomorrow.  884-5932 or 577-9457

Friday, October 5, 2012

Save the Date: Roller Skating and Radius!

MSM is going roller skating! Join us on Saturday, October 13th as we head to Skater's Choice in Hendersonville. Cost is $6.50 to roller skate, $8 to roller blade/inline, and $5 if you bring your own skates. Meet at 6 PM at the Student Center, and we will return at 10 PM! Invite your friends! We'll see you at the rink. 

Radius is less than a month away! Radius is a weekend retreat for middle and high school students - it's a time of worship, study, and high energy fun. We will have programs, small groups, and group activities during the day, and will stay the night in family homes. and Cost is $50 per student and money is due by Sunday, October 28th. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

MSM Putt Putt Trip This Saturday!

Hey Middle schoolers! Don't forget about the Putt Putt trip this weekend! Meet at the Student Center at 6 PM to fill out a permission slip and load up the vans! We'll be back at around 10 PM! Bring $5 and extra for Krispy Kreme if you want! Invite your friends! We'll see you there! 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

RADIUS Coming Soon!

Middle Schoolers! It's almost that time again! The RADIUS Fall Retreat will be here before you know it! Mark your calendars for November 2 - 4th and make plans to attend! Cost is $50 and sign ups will be starting soon!